
Biz Buddies Podcast #1 – We ARE Here To Make Friends

This inaugural episode of Biz Buddies Podcast is a quick introduction to why we wanted to do the podcast. Being an online entrepreneur or freelancer can be lonely. Jen Turrell and Niamh Arthur have been Biz Buddies for a year and a half, scheduling weekly calls not to instruct, coach, or formally do anything for each other, but by being genuine friends they have helped and done more for each other than coaches or employees often can. In this episode, they set their intention to pull aside the curtain and let the world in on the behind the scenes of their own online businesses, the good, the bad, the ugly and the awesome. Here they will chat, plot, plan, rant, rave and sometimes ugly cry about the ups and downs of online entrepreneurship.

Jen Turrell:

Niamh Arthur:

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Episode #115 Multi-Passionate with Meliss Jakubovic

Ever feel like you have too many ideas for your business? Or too many ideas in general? Some people agonize about needing to pick just one thing to focus on at a time, and act like what they are doing now is what they will be doing long term. The truth is that few people these days stay in the same job or have the same focus for longer than a few years at a time, and having a few different income streams in different areas can help you diversify and stay afloat when things change in your main area of focus.

Meliss Jakubovic knows a lot about this. When I asked her what she does I got the most amazing reply. Her main online business of the moment is Meliss Marketing which runs Facebook ads for coaches, business owners and people who run ecommerce sites. But the way she got into doing Facebook ads was from running her own Health and Lifestyle blog and coaching business. Which she actually still runs on the side. How did she get into Health and Lifestyle blogging and coaching? Well before that she trained in and taught Yoga, something she still also does on the said. But before that she was an Israeli Folk Dancer and also DJed on the side. All of which she STILL does! Oh and did I mention she is also the single mother of two young boys who also dance, do yoga and most of the other stuff right along with Meliss.

Now I tend to think that I’m a pretty busy women with a couple of businesses being run out of my own and caring for special needs kids to boot, but when I heard that Meliss still has a hand in all of these businesses that she ran in the past, I had to ask, do you ever sleep? How do you manage to keep all of these plates spinning? Or balls in the air depending on which metaphor you like best.

Meliss replied that she is very structured with her schedule and sticks to her calendar as best she can. Meliss Marketing is front and center right now, so she tends to spend the bulk of her working day on that. Yoga is part of her own self-care, but the fact that she gets paid to teach yoga classes some evenings and weekends means that her self-care is also an income stream. From what she told me the folk dancing is mainly a hobby, but she does still choreograph for certain shows and while that is going on she prioritizes that until the show is over and then it falls back down the priority list until another show or festival comes up. And the DJing fits in around other things when and if someone wants her to DJ. Oh and did I mention that she has also authored a book along with a companion journal to go along with it?

Because I’ve been struggling with learning how to run Facbook ads myself lately, I asked Meliss to share a few tips to help someone like me (who feels like I have only thrown money away on FB ads up to this point) start to get a handle on how they can really help my business grow. Here are a few of the tips she gave me:

  1. If you don’t have a business page yet, set one up. You need one to run FB ads.
  2. Really make use of the business page real estate. Use a really good profile picture for your business page and use the cover photo to let people know what it is you do and how you can help them.
  3. Plan out your content. Curate the content, give them plenty of value and make sure you aren’t only posting to sell. Facebook exists for engagement first. Being too salesly too soon can turn people off.
  4. However as you plan out your content, plan it around the launches or sales that you want to make throughout the year. Find and create content to logically leads into the services and products you want to sell.

I’ve always loved the idea of planning out my content well ahead of time, but I have honestly never done it outside of planning out content and emails that revolve around a single launch. I love the idea of sitting down and figuring out what I want to share for a couple of months at a time. Meliss even suggests planning around holidays and seasonal events. It may take a bit more time up front, but the payoff in consistency and always having content to post is totally worth the time investment.

You can connect with Meliss Jakubovic via her website at: or on Facebook

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You can find Meliss’ books Push Positive and My Vision Journal on Amazon.

You can get Meliss’ Top 5 Facebook Ads Tips here and you can get her Finding Your Dream Customer Guide here.


#115 Multi-Passionate with Meliss Jakubovic

Meliss Jakubovic is a Facebook Ads Expert and Marketing Specialist. She’s a self-proclaimed Serial Entrepreneur and a hustler full of passion. Her ad agency, Meliss Marketing helps businesses and entrepreneurs put their product or service in front of the right client or customer so they can scale their business strategically and spend time doing what they love to do.

As a single mom of two boys, it is incredibly important for Meliss to use her time efficiently and effectively and that’s why she is determined to get sh*t done for her clients.

Meliss is an extremely hard worker and loves to help people achieve their goals. Problem-solving and resourcefulness are some of her best qualities.


Episode #113 – Fresh Faced Skin Care with Erica Suppa

A lot of us have experienced the adolescent scourge of acne that may have made us feel stressed, anxious or embarrassed about standing up in front of class, talking to that cute boy you liked or trying out for the cheerleading team. But when acne turns to cystic acne and follows you into adulthood, it can seriously hamper not just your social life and love life (who feels confident walking up to an attractive member of the opposite sex when you know you have a massive puss-filled lump on your face?), it can also affect your career, your happiness, and pretty much every aspect of your life. Erica Suppa knows a lot about this struggle because she herself has experienced cystic adult acne. Not that you would know it to look at her now!

The difference between Erica and most other people out there peddling skin care products is that she is a chemist and worked as a scientist in cancer research first. She deeply understands the underlying chemistry of the human body and particularly human skin. She is able to formulate products that chemically do exactly what she says they will do. She even tests every new product on her own, extremely sensitive skin first.

When I asked for more details she used her purifying bar as an example. She wanted something that had the same pH level as the skin so it wouldn’t dry it out or strip the skin of its natural oils. She then she added both anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial ingredients to reduce inflammation and to curb bacterial growth. What does this mean for the user? It means that you have in a bar a cleanser that not only cleans your skin, it also reduces redness (inflammation) and treats the bacteria present in acne. She also said her male clients love to use it for shaving too. No razor burn or rash. That sounds pretty amazing to me! Listen in or watch below to find out how Erica went from being a cancer research scientist to developing new skin care products that do what they say they do!

You can connect with Erica Suppa via her website at

Or on social media:

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Rodan and Fields

The Four Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris

#113 Fresh Faced Skin Care with Erica Suppa

#113 Fresh Faced Skin Care with Erica Suppa

Erica Suppa is the founder of Fresh Faced Skin Care, an advanced skin care studio with locations in Delaware and Pennsylvania. She has more than 15 years of experience in the healthcare industry as an esthetician, skin care expert and research scientist. Erica offers a unique approach to skin care by utilizing her scientific knowledge of skincare ingredients and how they interact with the skin to achieve phenomenal, lasting results. Erica also formulates the Fresh Faced Skin Care product line of professional-grade products with ingredients easily utilized by the skin, making them more effective.