Episode #70 Build Your Hustle-Free Business with Amy Birks
Today’s episode is a Book Club episode! I’m here with Amy Birks, author of The Hustle-Free Business: A Simple 7-Step Plan to Grow, Get Results, and Have FUN!. Also known as The Strategy Ninja, Amy uses her GPS brain to help mission-driven, heart-centered coaches create customized strategies to grow their businesses and get the results that matter to them FAST, and with fun, ease and purpose.
In our conversation, we cover her wildly popular Motivation Mondays, how they make participants blush, (you have to be there), a huge shout-out to the inimitable Yola, (who I can put you in contact with, just send me an email), and the finer points of what it takes to get a hustle-free business.
- “I make it my life’s mission that everyone knows the most epic version of themselves, and everyone around them knows that as well.” – Amy
- “We need to set the intention to start with ourselves to be the best we can be, and then it trickles down into all the different parts of our lives.” – Amy
- “What is that thing that comes so easily to me that I would just discount that nobody can do it?” – Amy
- “If you aren’t sure what you want the business model to look like, let’s see what you want your life to look like and let’s create a trajectory to get to that.” – Amy
- “I know what I’m doing now is helping to get more eyes on people in my community who are doing really powerful things and don’t necessary have the platform themselves yet.” – Amy
- “Without financial equality, [women] will never have all the other kinds of equality we need.” – Jen
- “The Western Woman Modern Entrepreneur is going to save the world.” – Amy
- “You gotta be really clear on who you are, and then create a strategy based on you.” – Amy
To grab a copy of The Hustle-Free Business head over to hustlefreebusiness.com/jen. To connect with Amy, check out her website, her facebook page, and her instagram.
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Amy’s Book: The Hustle-Free Business: A Simple 7-Step Plan to Grow, Get Results, and Have FUN!
To contact Yola for energy work and/organizing help email Jen at Jen@jenturrell.com