
Biz Buddies Episode #12—Going for Goals

What kind of goals do you set and how do you set them? Annual? Quarterly? Weekly? Do you like very specific (perhaps dollar amount) goals? Or more of an aim, a direction?

If you set goals and then spend 90% of your time in a “not there yet” place and feel a let down when you actually reach it? Or do you have a great big party when you hit big goals?

Niamh talks about Process Goals as opposed to Result Oriented Goals. For people who have felt doomed to failure by past goal-setting efforts, process goals make completing the process toward your aims the goal that gets ticked off day by day, task by task. If you stick to the process and complete tasks, then every day you are reaching your mini goals.

So how do you set and reach your goals? This week we want to hear from you! Let’s explore what actually works for real people when it comes to setting and achieving goals.

Want to be the first to learn more about the Biz Buddies group coming soon and our magical retreat in Ireland coming (hopefully) some time 2018? (If we get enough interest we will set it up!) Sign up for notification HERE!


Biz Buddies Episode #11 – What’s Up October

Whoa, What’s Up October! You’re here already!

In this episode, Jen wants to know how Fall Break is already here for the kids, and how did she not notice that it would coincide with the end of her Mastering Money Matters launch? Ahhh!  

Jen also shares how her launch played out, the lessons learned, and how she might do things differently next time.

Niamh finished up her free 30-day Ignite Video Challenge and just opened the doors for her Light It Up Video Marketing Membership Group! If you want to make video a big or bigger part of your business then you should totally check it out right here!

Jen also mentioned the Emotional Response record label that she runs out of her home with her husband which you can check out here if you are interested in indie music!

We talked about Jeff Walker’s book Launch: An Internet Millionaire’s Secret Formula to Sell Almost Anything, Build a Business You Love, and Live The Life of Your Dreams

The Self Publishing Podcast

Sterling and Stone

Collective Inkwell

Write. Publish. Repeat.


Want to be the first to learn more about the Biz Buddies group coming soon and our magical retreat in Ireland coming (hopefully) some time 2018? (If we get enough interest we will set it up!) Sign up for notification HERE!

Episode #125 — Crushworthy Branding with Minling Chuang

Branding is more than the website, logo, and graphic. Branding is perception. How you are perceived by others. So instead of focusing on the visuals, start by focusing how you can emotionally connect to your audience and building a strong bond with your potential clients and customers. This will help you build loyalty and become known as an authority brand.

On this episode, Minling tells the story of her crush on Tom. Tom is so amazing. He cares about others, he gives back every day and when Minling is with him she feels like a better person too. Who is Tom? It’s actually a brand. A shoe brand that gives away one pair of shoes for every pair purchased. The way Minling feels about Tom’s brand is exactly the way we all want our clients and customers to feel about us and our brands. Mingling talks about what individuals and companies can do to help create that kind of connection and feeling with customers.

Minling also shares the story of her journey from doing marketing for big brands through an agency, to trying to start her first company and eventually coming back to her love of branding for small businesses.

You can connect with Minling Chuang via her website at

And you can get a free Branding Masterclass right here:


Tom’s Shoes

#125- Crushworthy Branding with Minling Chuang

Minling Chuang has 8+ years of experience in branding and marketing, working on top brands such as Nestle Toll House, Lean Cuisine, Toyota, and UBM. While at Nestle, Minling launched a $54 Million product for Lean Cuisine that also won Product of the Year. Minling holds an MBA from Indiana University and a BA from the University of Southern California. She has been featured in the Huffington Post.

If you enjoyed this episode you can subscribe to Financial Fluency here on iTunes and listen every week. If you like what you hear, don’t forget to subscribe, rate and leave an awesome iTunes review.

Let’s Keep the Conversation Going

If you’re enjoying the podcasts and something has lit a fire for you, carry on the conversation over on the Financial Fluency Facebook Group. And if you are interested in creating some Happy Money Habits, check out my free PDF here!

Jen x