
Episode #111 — What do you really want? with Hilary Silver

As moms, daughters, friends, and wives, sometimes we all get pulled in so many directions by all of our different relationships that we can lose sight of ourselves and what we really want, both in the moment and in long game of our lives. This can look like everything from chronically saying “I don’t know, whatever everyone else wants is fine with me” to looking around at your life one day and realizing that you aren’t anywhere you ever really wanted to be. Your emotions, your reactions, your anxiety, your jealousy, your feelings about the things you encounter, these are clues you can use to find your way back to you so you can start to honor all of the relationships in your life by honoring the one you have with yourself first. This is the kind of work that Hilary Silver does. Hilary transitioned from brick and mortar counseling work to working online as a relationship expert and empowerment coach, both one on one and with groups, so she could reach more people who struggle both with their relationships with others and their relationship with themselves.

Here are a few tips from Hilary.

  1. You can’t have what you want in your life and your relationships if you don’t know what that is and how to go after it and get it. A lot of people (moms anyone?) spend so much time taking care of everyone else around them that they lose touch with themselves so much that they don’t actually know what they want anymore. So tip one is to figure out what you want. Need help? Go on to tip 2.
  2. Observe yourself. Watch yourself watch TV. What movies or commercials make you well up with tears or laugh out loud? What makes you angry or jealous? How do you feel when you watch shows about politics. Your emotions are your clues to the things that are most important to you.
  3. If you don’t know what you want and don’t ask for it, you end up feeling resentful and being unhappy. Once you learn your truth, learn how to speak it effectively without cutting people off or alienating the people who aren’t used to you speaking your truth yet. Baby steps.
  4. If you feel resentful you haven’t said something you want to say, or you are doing something you don’t want to do, or you aren’t doing something that you do want to do. You have control over what you say and what you do. You are responsible for making the changes required to get what you want and what you need in life. Say the things you want to say and do the things you want to do!

To find out more about Hilary visit her website at or follow her on social media

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5 Love Languages of Children

111 - What Do You Really Want with Hilary Silver

Hilary is a Relationship & Intimacy Expert and Master Coach. She is the founder of Hilary Silver Coaching & Consulting, and the creator of lifestyle brand Hot, Healthy Happy, which teaches LOVERS how to have more intimacy, connection, and satisfaction in their relationships so they can keep their love and passion alive for the long term.

With 15 years of experience as a licensed couples therapist, she has worked with thousands of clients on issues such as launching healthy relationships, communication and conflict, infidelity, intimacy, sex and lasting passion.


Episode #110 — Travel and Learn with Alyson Kilday

Do you love the idea of educational travel, but resist plonking down the money to actually book one of those awesome sounding trips your college sponsors for alumni or that you see advertised for groups? I do too. I love the idea of traveling somewhere cool, drinking fine wines and learning about something that interests me, but I always feel like if it is just for recreation, I should spend that money on a trip that includes my kids, and if it is for my own edification, then I should invest in a conference or something that will move me forward in my career or help me add income to my finances. Which is exactly why I am so excited to introduce you to Alyson Kilday and her company Damesly. Alyson combines the best of these two worlds by offering career focused learning opportunities for women in fantastic locations around the country and around the world.

Alyson says of herself and her partner Kelly, “We believe that investing in yourself returns exponential dividends and that for women especially, connecting with peers and mentors is more important than ever. We’re not your typical “tour” company, we bring together workshops and learning opportunities from amazing women in the field with people who share a similar passion or interest. We just happen to do it in epic locations, because what better way to form lasting friendships and connections than by sharing an adventure together?”

You can connect with Alyson Kilday via her website at or on social media.

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Alyson is excited to have just launched “Damesly Minis” which are weekend workshops and retreats to amazing locations around the country. From learning how to become your own PR agent while cruising on a boat in Lake Powell, learning how to unleash and harness your creativity from successful makers and artists in New Orleans to upping your Photography skills while hiking in the Grand Canyon with a NatGeo pro she’ll be rolling out more Minis over the next year.

110 - Travel and Learn with Alyson Kilday

Alyson Kilday is the CEO of Hop & Jaunt, a creative agency based in New Orleans as well as the co-founder of Damesly. She launched her first company while backpacking and sailing across the Caribbean to Colombia and now calls New Orleans homebase. Having grown up in over a dozen countries she speaks Japanese and Spanish fluently and is currently on passport number 5. She’s excited to be able to bring together her love of travel and connecting people from around the world.

Episode #108 – Musings of an Earth Angel with Suzanne Adams


What would happen if you turned off the world and looked inward? Today on Financial Fluency, my guest is best-selling author Suzanne Adams. Suzanne is a speaker, life purpose consult, and the author of Musings of an Earth Angel. On the show, Suzanne speaks about learning to love yourself, how to flip negativity into positivity, and how to connect with a greater power.

Early on, Suzanne lived the life she thought she was supposed to live. She called this “surface-level happiness” on the show. Suzanne said it was like putting on a front pretending to be happy. She didn’t understand true fulfillment, and it felt like she was going through the motions.

This way of life got to a point where she felt a pit in her stomach and was constantly saying there has to be more. Suzanne shared that during this time, she was chasing fulfillment through her career, shopping, and other’s opinions. Suzanne realized she couldn’t pretend everything was ok anymore. She didn’t want to numb the pain anymore.

That tumultuous period forced Suzanne to take inventory of the important things in her life. This mindset catapulted her to her mission. Suzanne allowed her body to heal and it brought her into alignment with her purpose. Suzanne says “My life purpose is to teach people how to reach their highest level of potential.”

Suzanne’s book, Musings of an Earth Angel, is about understanding divine communication and self-love. In a way, the book mirrors the struggles she faced when experiencing her spiritual awakening. Suzanne mentions the intention of her book is to awaken people to a higher meaning and deeper purpose with a story that’s relatable.

Self-Love Explained by Suzanne

  • The first step to self-love is to look at your thoughts and think about the things you tell yourself every single day. Everything is energy. If you think and treat yourself negatively, that’s what you’ll attract.
  • Have boundaries for yourself. Showering yourself with love is important. Allow yourself to have non-negotiable time.
  • Cherish and create sacred rituals that put you first. These rituals will fill you up from the inside out. The way you fill your well up affects everyone around you.

Suzanne Shares Her Personal Message Here

“I teach people how to live a life of fulfillment and happiness. My top tips are to always trust your heart, do what scares you, and find like-minded people that inspire you and surround yourself with them. My big why is to help to make the planet a happier place.”

To learn more about Suzanne visit her website, or follow her on social media.

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Empowerment Retreat in Sedona, AZ from September 28, 2017 to October 2, 2017. This retreat will help let go of what’s in your way so you can step into the next level of leadership and deepen your intuition.

Musings of an Earth Angel book trailer:
Free Guided Meditation:

108 - Musings of an Earth Angel with Suzanne Adams

Suzanne Adams is a bestselling Author, Motivational Speaker, and Life Purpose Consultant that is sharing her zest for life with audiences around the globe. She believes that having fun and following your passion are the keys to finding true happiness and living a life of fulfillment and joy!

Suzanne was a Speaker at the 2016 Hay House World Summit and is so excited to share with you her secrets to attracting happiness and freedom into your life! Suzanne is thrilled to be leading workshops and retreats around the world. She also loves to share her secrets to success with you through her books, digital courses, and inspirational talks.