
Financial Fluency Episode #15 Starting an Army with Bushra Azhar

Today, my guest shares why she prefers starting an army instead of a tribe, and how her approach is more about treating people with respect than the hard sale.

This episode I am bringing you one of my favorite people on the ENTIRE PLANET, Bushra Azhar!

I first met Bushra in Ramit Sethi’s Zero to Launch, which she followed much more closely than I did!

She also says some preeetttyyyy nice things about me!

We had such a fun chat about the very different approaches we have to business, outsourcing and learning – and Bushra shocked me with her views on other human beings!!!

You can listen in below and Tweet it out here

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Meet Bushra

Bushra AzharBushra Azhar is a Persuasion Strategist and Founder of The Persuasion Revolution: The only place on the Internet that makes persuasion sexy, classy & fun!

Want to learn more about Bushra or possibly work with her? She’s filling her power Mass Persuasion Method now!

And find the Facebook Group here.