#116 Quit The Job You Hate with Jessica DeBry

Episode #116—Quit The Job You Hate with Jessica DeBry

Are you working at a job you hate? Feel like there’s no way out? Then this episode is for you! Jessica DeBry is an online business manager who teaches women how to build the business they love so they can quit the job they hate!

How to get started:

Step 1: First step is the Time Pocket Formula. Write down how you spend all of your time every day. Figure the pockets of time where you can dedicate 30 minute to an hour or even two hour blocks of time in your day that you can consistently dedicate to building your business. Can you find 10-15 pockets per week or the equivalent of 10 hours per week? How about a morning routine to make sure you get some time in each day?

Step 2: What do you want to accomplish in your 10 hours per week? Create 3 big goals every week to work towards that will get you where you want to be. Do you need to build your email list? Do you need more visibility from activities like guest posting, podcast or getting on or starting a YouTube channel?

Step 3: Then put the tasks you identified into the time pockets available in your schedule. Then DO the tasks at the appointed times!

Jessica also recommends that you have something completely passive in your business as soon as possible. Create some kind of low priced offer that you can build a funnel to? This means having a free opt-in like a cheat sheet or checklist to encourage people to sign up to your email list, after then get the freebie, then they get a few emails that lead them towards the low priced offer like an ebook or a mini course with a few videos. This will help you get your systems up so it will be easier to scale once you leave the job and start making your side-hustle your full-time hustle!

You can connect with Jessica Debry via her website at www.jessica-debry.com and instagram.com/jessicadebry, and you can find her new monthly membership club for side-hustlers at www.sheclubmonthly.com.

You can grab her free side-hustle bundle to get you started right here: jessica-debry.com/bundle.

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#116 Quit The Job You Hate with Jessica DeBry

Jessica DeBry shows women how to quit the job they hate and build a business they LOVE.

As an Online Business Mentor, Jessica teaches female entrepreneurs worldwide how to get sh*t done, monetize themselves, and build their brand, so that they can ultimately transform their #SideHustle into Solopreneur Success.

After doing everything “right” and following the traditional school-to-corporate path, she found herself craving more out of life. After 15-months side hustlin’ with her online business (while still working full-time), she quit her 9-5 for good and now shows others how to do the same.

Jessica has been featured on MindBodyGreen, Guided Mind, Pick the Brain, Women’s iLab, and more. She holds a BA in Communications and a MBA in Global Management.

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