Financial Fluency Episode #38: How much money do you need to earn?

Today I want to talk about how much money you really need.

You can listen in below and Tweet it out hereTweet: Do you know how much you really need to earn? Find out via @jturrell here:

This is a pretty tricky topic because need versus want can be so difficult to pin down and put an exact number on, especially when people are thinking about things like their overall goal for retirement. Today I want to take a look at the two types of people that I run into most.

  1. People who think they need massive amounts of money to do what they want and have the kind of life they want to live. These are people who say they want ten million dollars, or they want their business to be worth 40 million dollars.
  2. People who make top line revenue goals without really accounting for expenses and taxes, and that sometimes gets them into trouble.

Let’s think about what you want to earn with your business, your freelance, your income, what are your goals and why are they?

The Big Money People

I run into a lot of people who say, I need to make ten thousand a month or I need six figures a year, or I want ten million in the bank and a 40 million dollar business. I’m not saying those goals aren’t good, I’m just questioning what they’re attached to.

  • What is it that you need that requires ten million in the bank?
  • What is it that you need that requires the business to be worth 40 million dollars?
  • Are you planning on selling it?
  • Are you going public?
  • Where does this number come from?

I like this story from Tony Robbins’ money book about a talk he was giving where he asked people what their financial goal was. There was a young man towards the back of the room who raised his hand and said, I need a billion dollars. Tony said, okay, let’s map that out, and he asked him to start listing all the things that he needed that were going to require a billion dollars.

He wanted to own an island, he wanted his own private jet, he wanted real estate in different places. Tony said, okay, I have some experience with a lot of these things, I own an island, I own jets, let’s talk about your experience of those things, because if you want to own an island, do you actually want to run a resort? Do you want to have a hotel? Is this part of the life that you’re dreaming of, or do you just want to be able to spend three or four weeks a year with all your family and friends on an island?

It wasn’t that he wanted to run a hotel, he wanted the island, and Tony said, it takes a lot of maintenance, a lot of staff, you’d be better off renting out Necker Island for 350 thousand dollars for a couple of weeks with all of your family there, with the full staff. If you want the experience of a private island, rent it for a few weeks, don’t buy it.

He went onto the private jet and said, okay, how many trips a month do you think you’ll be taking? Tony added up how much it would cost to charter a private jet instead of buying a private jet. He went through all of the things, getting the experience that he wants out of life, without necessarily owning all the things that require all this maintenance and upkeep.

They could not get past ten million dollars.

So this young man who said, I need a billion dollars to have the life I want to live, when he went through it item by item and Tony added how much these things roughly cost, when he put real actual dollars to each item they couldn’t get more than ten million dollars.

Ten million dollars is still a lot of money, but it’s a hundredth of a billion dollars.

That’s like going to a store thinking you’re going to need a thousand dollars, and needing ten dollars. To be that far off, to think you need a billion dollars and only actually need ten million, it’s a staggering miscalculation.

So I just wanted to bring that idea up. If you have these very, very big number goals, try to sit down and look at what you actually want the experience of. Are there other ways to experience that? Do you actually have to own all the things you’re thinking of in order to experience it?

Often ownership is a burden. Some people want to own a lot of houses all over the world, but you have to staff and maintain them and have people there taking care of them, making sure they’re not being broken into, making sure everything’s ready when you get there.

Maybe you’re renting them out, maybe not, it might be much more worth your while to travel a lot, but not own houses in all these places.

Personally I love going to a different country and renting a place or staying in a nice hotel and getting that experience of being pampered of experiencing a different household than you usually do.

I don’t know that I’d want to go to the same place every year. The idea of owning a vacation rental isn’t super high on my priorities. I just think, well, what happens to it the rest of the year? If you’re going to rent it out then you have to pay for management and upkeep, and what happens if there’s a natural disaster and it’s in a different country, or if the government changes.

This happened to some people from the UK who had properties in Spain. There was a period of time when the government totally shifted and there was a question of what was happening with all of the overseas owners of houses in Spain. Depending on where you’re buying, it could be a tricky situation if governments change drastically and tax implications change for overseas owners.

Think about the experience you want to have, and go and look up how much it costs to maybe not own that thing, but rent it instead. Put some real dollar amounts on there and start adding up, because I think sometimes having these goals like ten million dollars or 40 million dollars or a billion dollars, it’s so big that it’s hard to actually start taking action towards saving towards it.

If you start putting 100 dollars away a month you’re like, oh gosh, I’ll only have 1200 dollars by the end of the year. However, if you think, okay, the first step towards this life I want to live is to be able to travel for two months out of the year, 100 dollars a month isn’t going to get me there very soon, maybe I need to do 250 dollars a month. Make it something that you can actually start seeing progress towards.

The Top Liners

Looking at the top line revenue people, because I work with a lot of women who are freelancers or entrepreneurs or have online businesses of some kind, or have offline businesses but are trying to put them online, a lot of the time we come to this topline revenue thinking problem.

You think, okay, I need to sell x number of products or service at x dollars to equal this amount, and to run my business I need this amount, I need to pay myself this amount each month to cover my personal expenses.

If they do it from the top line before taxes are taken out and before all their expenses are taken out, you can really end up short. I’ve seen a few people who have either left regular traditional employment jobs to go online, or who have just started freelancing after being out of work for some time, maybe with kids.

After the first one or two years in business they have a good year, the think they have some profit in the bank, and then they go to file their taxes, they weren’t doing quarterly estimated taxes – which in your first year totally makes sense, because what are you estimating on, you don’t have a previous year to base it on – and they’re shocked by what they owe.

Sometimes it wipes out their profit, sometimes they end up owing the government and having to set up a payment plan with penalties. This means the following year every product and service that you sell – until you pay off that balance with the penalties – not only are you needing to set aside taxes for the current year, you’re also putting some of it towards back taxes and penalties.

If you have a slim profit margin, that can really wreak havoc and possibly do a business in. Both having a healthy profit margin and really planning for taxes and expenses along the way can make such a difference.

To help people who are in this situation, I have recently built a cool new calculator on my website that is called The Bottom Line Revenue Calculator. What it does is it lets you list out your products and services, the prices, the number of sales that you need, see the top line revenue that comes of that, and then below you plug that top line revenue into a few calculations that let you calculate your tax withholding rate, and look at your business expenses to see what your actual potential take home will be.

I say potential take home because it depends how much you leave in your business and how much you pay yourself, either through salary or draws.

I’m hoping that this will be a really useful tool for you. I built it because I’ve run into so many people who really have a hard time calculating out how much tax withholding they should put away every month, and figuring out what real profit they make, month by month.

I realize freelancing could be a little different if it’s an hourly project, so maybe we’ll do a separate calculator for freelancers as well, so you can figure out how many projects you need to take on that take so many hours to figure out your bottom line revenue.

I realize we have not covered everything on how much money you really need in this, but I think both looking at those big long term goals, the ten million, the 40 million, the one billion, I think that putting some real numbers to that will really help, and then also for people who have been looking only at top line and not at bottom line revenue, using this calculator can give you a real sense of how many products and services you actually need to sell every month to hit those target numbers on the bottom line, not the top line.

If this was helpful to you, please subscribe, I would love for you to subscribe and review this podcast on iTunes. We’re always trying to get a few more reviews and subscribers, and please share it with your friends. If you want to continue this discussion, we have a Facebook group called Financial Fluency, which you can find here. I hope to see you there.

Financial Fluency Episode #37: Worth it! With Amanda Steinberg

I’m so thrilled to welcome this week’s guest to the show. I know I would absolutely not be doing what I’m doing on this show and in other areas in my life if I hadn’t met Amanda back in 2012.

Amanda and I spoke about what to do if you have a fluctuating income (which most of us entrepreneurs do!), how she’s ended up hanging out with European prime ministers and the different messaging women and men get from the media around finances.

You can listen in below and Tweet it out hereTweet: I'm listening to @AmandaSteinberg and @jturrell talking all things financial. Tune in here:

Favourite Quotes

I learned how to earn but not what to do with it afterwards – Amanda

I’m someone who isn’t afraid to put the ugly stuff out there along with the good stuff – Amanda

Are you sure you wanted to publish that – Amanda’s mother!

Men are spoken to about stocks and investing, women are spoken to about budgeting – Amanda on the disparity in financial messaging to men and women

It doesn’t mean you’re bad with money if your emergency fund is depleted – Amanda

I see credit cards as a fascinating video game – Amanda

If you have a fluctuating income, put yourself on a simulated salary – Amanda

Amanda Steinberg podcastAmanda Steinberg is the founder of DailyWorth, the leading financial media company for women. Steinberg is a thought-leader on the topic of women and money, working to advance women’s financial confidence and wealth. She’s an engineer by training, a sales woman by profession and a serial optimist at heart. DailyWorth serves millions of women monthly via its daily newsletters and Website focused on money and career advice.

Since its launch in 2009, Steinberg and DailyWorth have been featured in the New York Times, TIME, Forbes, Parenting, Cosmopolitan and on NY1, CNN, FOX, ABC and NBC news. Amanda is a graduate of Columbia University.

Sign up for DailyWorth at

If you enjoyed this episode you can subscribe to Financial Fluency here on iTunes and listen every week. If you like what you hear, please also leave an awesome iTunes review

I do two episodes every week, one solo and one interview.

I also have the fantastic Mastering Money Matters group, a monthly membership group where you can join and we talk about all the different pieces week by week of getting our money systems set up and how we look at, think about and value money and all areas of our lives.

It’s a very supportive and private group just for women and it’s a safe place to hang out and talk. It’s kind of the extension of the interviews I’ve been doing with mainly entrepreneurs on this show, and it’s where we can talk about the things we may not want to broadcast out to a broader audience.

Let’s Keep the Conversation Going

If you’re enjoying the podcasts and something has lit a fire for you, carry on the conversation over on the Financial Fluency Facebook Group.

See you there!

Jen x

Financial Fluency Episode #36: Don’t go against your nature

Today, I want to talk about the nature of things, about our nature, our personal nature, things that come naturally to us and how we can work with those things instead of against them.

You can listen in below and Tweet it out hereTweet: via @jturrell How to work WITH your nature when it comes to finances

I have a few examples here from my own personal life. The first one is that I’m a pretty naturally disorganized person. A lot of people who meet me are confused when I tell them this but it’s true. One of the reasons I love systems and setting up things so that when one thing happens, something else happened, you know, sort of, “if this, then that” kind of systems, systems to automate my finances, systems to give me reminders and notifications of different things is because I can’t keep all of that stuff in my head, is because I am so disorganized. I need my systems. Let’s be honest, all of us have so many things coming at us every day now, who can keep everything in their head?

So, it used to be that this disorganization was a real pain point for me. It would cause me to be late for things. I would get working on something, I would forget to check the clock or the calendar. I would forget appointments. I would forget phone calls. I would double book myself sometimes because something I had booked and forgot to enter into the calendar wasn’t there, particularly things with my kids and work.

I used to keep separate personal and work calendars so if my kids had an appointment with a doctor or dentist, it wasn’t necessarily in the calendar where I could schedule appointments with people, which would mean I would end up having to cancel things; either I cancelled my personal appointment which sometimes cost money because you have to cancel more than 24 hours ahead of time for certain things or I would have to tell the other person, “I’m really sorry, I got double booked.” And I felt like it made me look bad. I would have to ask them to move their schedule around to accommodate me which did not feel great. I didn’t like it.

So I Created Systems

My solution for this was to create a centralised calendar; a calendar where any appointment I would put in there blocked out appointments in all other categories. I have a personal calendar, I have interviews for my podcast, I have work appointments, different kinds of things but if I enter something in, it gets blocked out in every calendar now so I don’t double book which helps a lot.

I also initiated a system of alerts and reminders for important “stop” and “start” times. I even started putting buffers in between things because sometimes I used to have appointments go back-to-back, some of which I would have to drive somewhere for so that didn’t work very well.

Again, I hated ending some of these appointments early to give me time to drive somewhere to get to one of my kids’ doctor’s appointment. So doing that helped a lot and also scheduling help ahead of time if I need help. If I need someone to watch the kids so that I can do something else because it’s a holiday or because there’s a snow day or something like that the sooner I can get that done and know that that’s taken care of the better. So that’s part of my system now.

They Say Spending Actual Cash Hurts More

Another example of how I’m a bit disorganized myself is, I’ve seen these studies about how spending cash, real actual physical cash helps you spend less because you feel the loss more when you hand cash over. I like that idea, I’ve tried it myself but the problem that I have is I’m not fantastic at tracking cash. If I spend cash, I go to the gas station, I put some gas in my car, sure they give you a receipt but if I’m not deducting it for taxes, I wasn’t always that careful about that receipt.

Buying a drink somewhere, going to Starbucks, picking something up, the cash would go here and there so at the end of the cash I would look at it and sure I knew where some of it went but I didn’t have it all tracked. For me that was more of a pain point, trying to figure out where the money went, than the help it was supposed to give me by me not wanting to hand over the cash. I decided,

This whole cash thing, it may work for some people but it’s not in my nature

I didn’t feel the pain I should have felt with handing the cash over, it wasn’t that hard for me to hand over and I had more of a pain point with not being able to track it. So, I switched mostly over to a non-cash system because then, at least, I can track where everything goes. It’s not that much harder for me to hand over cash than swipe a card and one way that I sort of build into this system some checks and balances is that I have notifications sent to me when any account reaches a certain point.

So if it’s a credit card account, I’m using a credit card to get the points, I have balance notifications set at certain levels so it pings me an email or a text when my balance gets so high and on my bank accounts it also does the same when my balance gets so low. So, that’s me working with my nature. I realize that cash is not a great option for me because I lose track of it so instead, I’d rather implement this system so the system makes it seem like I’m organized. The system for my calendar makes it seem like I’m organized and it’s stopped me being late.

The Two Areas I See This Impacting Women

There are some other areas that I want to talk about where this can apply and the two big ones are promotion and negotiation for women. I’ve seen studies that say that when it comes to negotiating your starting salary and subsequent promotions and salary increases, women fall far below men on being able to negotiate those effectively on being able to get the highest possible salary. This is partly why we have the wage gap since future salaries are based on past salaries.

So if you don’t negotiate well enough for that first salary, that has a knock-on effect throughout the rest of your life. If you and a man who has the same degree, maybe even went to the same college as you and you both have the same student loan debt load, if you go to the same company and start working similar entry-level jobs but for different salaries, that’s going to continue to be an issue and a wage gap between the two of you possibly for the rest of your careers.

I see that as a big problem, however, I’ve also seen some studies that showed that when women negotiated for a female coworker or colleague, they were much more effective at negotiating a better package and better salary for their female colleague or coworker than they were for themselves.

What does this say about us?

Sometimes we find it much more comfortable and easier to negotiate for and promote a friend than ourselves. Why is this? Personally, I think there’s a cultural bias against women promoting themselves. There’s a cultural bias against women talking themselves up, being vain, being seen as pushy or aggressive. If a man and a woman have a conversation with the exact same words, if a woman were to speak word-for-word the script that a man used to get a higher salary, she probably would not be seen in the exact same light that the man was.

The man might be seen as confident and assertive and the woman might be seen as pushy and vain.

These are some of the problems that we run into just with our cultural bias of how women are supposed to behave and how men are supposed to behave, but the fact that it can have such a huge effect on our overall earning potential for the rest of our life means that we need to find a workaround for it. So if you aren’t good at promoting yourself, if you aren’t good at negotiating those salaries for yourself, the fact that we can do it better for each other says something and I see that as something that we should all use.

I recently have been reading Gloria Steinem’s book, “On The Road” about her history of being an advocate for women’s rights around the world and especially here in the United States. Over and over she brings up this idea of talking circles and of organizing and women getting together for different things.

She also talks a lot about the Civil Rights movement in the 60s, but the talking circles seem particularly effective when it comes to women. Women sitting down together in a room, I mean for her, traveling state to state, college campus to college campus and things like that, it often would be in person. Though now, we have these virtual talking circles that we can use and that’s exactly what I’m trying to do with these podcasts.

Talking Circles & Wolf Packs

I would love for this Podcast to turn into a talking circle where we can all talk to each other about finances which is part of why I started a new Facebook group for it. You can join here It is a female only group and while I realize I do have some male listeners from time to time, for the most part this is all focused on women and I do want women to have a safe place where we can have conversations about money.

So, the talking circles are one side of it. I think that just being able to talk about these things really makes a difference. Part of the reason that women do get paid less is they don’t know what men are getting paid. So start talking about it, researching it, looking at what other people are getting paid in your industry and realizing that you are worth it, you are worth the top dollar, you put in the work, if you’re not putting in the work, go put in the work. If you’re not a top performer, go be a top performer and ask for the high salary that you need.

On the other side of things, I want to talk about wolf packs. So we have talking circles on one side where we really communicate, really hear what’s going on, find out what people are struggling with, get a better understanding of where people are coming from. Then there’s also this thing that I like to call the wolf pack.

Now, I first heard of the wolf pack idea from Nathalie Lussier. I was doing her 30-day list building challenge and she talked about having a group of women that is kind of your wolf pack as you start to put yourself out there online and really be more visible and her reason for doing was knowing that there were some people who have got your back.

You’re out there trying to get some articles published on bigger platforms, you get a Huffington Post article and you’re so excited but you’re afraid there’ll be crickets. Having this wolf pack, they’re all excited for you too, they go and they comment and they share and they help support you getting out there and you do the same thing for each one of them.

This is not about promoting something that you don’t believe in or haven’t used or anything like that. This is about having friends in business, where you all believe in the work that you’re doing, you’re all doing great work and you can easily go and support each other.

It feels great. I love it when I see one of my friends succeed and I totally want to shout it out everywhere. I want everyone to know how great it is. I think that having a new product or a new service or a new book get published, Wow! How exciting! I mean, I think that we should all share those things for each knowing that other people would want to celebrate when we have those things happen too.

My Little Wolf Pack

For myself, I have created my own little wolf pack now which is my Mastering Money Matters group. It’s a group of women, it’s still quite small and it is a monthly paid membership. Part of the reason for that is that we are working through specific content, we’re going through sort of a course of content to get your finances organized to do my calculate, eliminate, automate process. In the midst of that, we all end up talking out our projects and the articles that we’re getting published, the books we’re working on, all those sorts of things and we’ve really started supporting each other in a very tight knit friend kind of way.

I love it, I love having this group of women whose work I know about because we talk about it all the time in there and anytime they have something come up it is so easy for me to go and shout out how great they are because I can see what they’re doing week by week. We have weekly Blabs where we talk to each other about our businesses and we do a weekly co-working Zoom, which is very private, because often what we’re doing in it is our financial task for the week.

We sit down as we approach taxes, we work on tax stuff, as we get to our quarterly estimated tax payments, we talk about that, we talk about gross receipts, we talk about how much we’re spending on different aspects of our business and if anyone has a better tool or resource, it’s really nice. It feels great to have a group of women because online entrepreneurship can be so lonely, it’s different than the loneliness that the only woman in the office at a corporate environment experiences but it can still be very lonely so it’s nice to have some people who’ve got your back and who are ready to be encouraging and helpful in any way that they can.

So that’s my pitch for not going against your nature and finding ways to work with it. If you are in the corporate situation that I just mentioned, not the only woman I hope in a corporation, but going back to that idea of negotiating for each other, of putting each other forward for new projects and promotions, that can really be powerful.

Of course, you want it to be someone whose work you believe in and who you genuinely support and like. Hopefully, there’s someone like that in your organization so you can help each other out. Maybe it’s a mentor situation, maybe there’s a woman who’s higher up in the organization and who really had to fight to get where she is and would like it to not be as hard for others.

If you are that woman higher up in an organization, why not help make it a bit easier for others. Be that mentor, be that person who helps out and if you are an online entrepreneur get yourself a wolf pack or come join mine.

Come & Find Us

If you want to join mine, you can find Mastering Money Matters here or if you just want to come and join the talking circle, you can find us here. I would love to talk to you about what’s happening on the podcast and any ideas that it brought up for you. So many times I talk to someone about an idea that I had, something that I thought of in a certain way and they bring a new perspective and it completely changes how I see it. I have a new understanding based on someone else’s life experience and that’s amazing, that’s fantastic. I love it when that happens.

So, anyways, thank you so much for joining me today. I’m going to sign off now, keep this pretty short and sweet but just remember you don’t have to completely change yourself or change your nature, you don’t have to go into hard-nosed negotiations training to get the very best. You don’t have to change the kind of person you are in order to make your business work or get paid a decent salary. There are usually ways that we can do workarounds, we can find ways to make our own nature and what we’re naturally good at and what naturally feels good to us, work for ourselves in our businesses and our lives.