Financial Fluency Episode #44: Setting Financial Goals

Today I’m talking about goal setting. I feel like there are a lot of different ways that different people like to tackle the issue of financial goal setting. Because I tend to work with women who are either starting their own business to leave a traditional nine to five job, or they have been out of the traditional nine to five working atmosphere for some time – either for caregiving responsibilities or other things – and want to start their own business as a way to restart their careers, I take a slightly different look at financial goal setting than a lot of other people do, and I wanted to share that process.

You can listen or read below and Tweet it out hereTweet: Get @jturrell's 4 levels of financial goal setting here:

What I like to look at are four different levels of financial goal setting.

  • Sustain
  • Maintain
  • Next level
  • Dream level



For sustain, I like to look at the absolute bare minimum expenses that you need to cover in order to not have to make a drastic change in your lifestyle like moving to a place with a lower rent or mortgage, or taking your kids out of the school they’re enrolled in. If you had to cut everything you could possibly cut if something happened, what would you still need to pay?

These are the things that keep the lights on and the engine running, things like mortgage or rent, homeowner’s or renter’s insurance, car payments, fuel for your car, car insurance and basic groceries. If you have an online business, the internet is included in that, and running your computer and your electricity. If you take your absolute minimum baseline expenses, that’s your sustain level.

If you’re looking at how much you need to be able to make on the side before you leave your corporate job, for instance, a lot of people aren’t able to actually replace their corporate income or their nine to five income with their side gig until they leave that job, because you only have so many hours in the day. You often can’t dedicate work hours to your side gig, you can’t do consulting calls while you’re at work, so there’s only so much that you’re able to do.

I often think it’s a good idea to at least build up enough of your sustained level goal for several months before you leave that job or be consistently making enough to cover the sustain for several months before you leave with a savings cushion.



The next level I like to look at is maintain, so maintaining your current lifestyle.

For instance, again if you’re looking at leaving a job in order to do your side gig full time, you not only want to know the numbers for the absolute bare minimum, you want to know the numbers that you’ll need to be making in order to maintain your current lifestyle.

That adds on things like eating out, extra groceries, entertainment, extracurricular activities for the kids and yourself, just the more expensive things that make up your daily life and make it pleasurable and the way that you want it.

Things like getting your hair done in a nice salon, as opposed to the discount hair cutters in the mall, things that are nice to have, that you want to continue to have in your life, you don’t want to have to cut them, but if the worst came to the worst and you had some sort of catastrophic event, these are things that you could cut at least for the short term in order to get yourself back on your feet.

next level goals

Next Level

After that and once you know what those numbers are, the next level of goal setting that I like to look at is what I call next level.

These are the upgrades you want to make in the next three to five years:

  • To be debt free,
  • To save up for a down payment on a house,
  • Maybe you’ll need to replace your car
  • Or get a new computer,
  • Pay for tuition for a new school for the kids,
  • One of your kids is starting college so you’re saving up towards that,
  • An overdue vacation,
  • Maybe you’re planning for a wedding in the next few years
  • Helping one of your kids with one of their dream projects
  • Maybe you’ll have a new dream project you want to do yourself
  • Perhaps you want to start travelling more

It’ll be things that you see happening in the next three to five years that you want to start saving for and putting money towards.

Dream level goals

Dream level

The dream level goal is more than three to five years out, it’s looking towards retirement, whether that’s early retirement or at retirement age, possibly a time when you want to be able to hustle less, have your income coming in through more passive channels, have your life set up in the ways that you want.

For some people this is moving up to a dream house, maybe having a dream car, buying a sports team, buying a vacation house, or just having enough so that you know that you’ll have a steady income from the principle that you’ve saved up at some point in your life.

If you have big dreams for your dream level goals, go and actually put dollar amounts on them, and that goes for next level goals too.

I like people to put real dollar amounts on everything that we look at working towards, so just like in the sustain and maintain levels where you’re going to write down exactly how much you want to be spending on each of those things, or how much you are currently spending on them, do the same thing for the next level goal and the dream level goal.

Let’s Get Real

Having real numbers to look at is what starts making those goals real and means that you can start putting money towards them. I feel like the best way to work towards all of these goals is firstly to know exactly how you’re covering both the sustain and the maintain goal as you’re working towards covering all of this with your own business or freelance career, or whatever it is you’re working towards, and then doing the same thing with the next level goal.

Start planning on how you’re going to expand.

  • Are you going to offer more products or services?
  • Are you hiring more people to work under you?
  • Are you planning on adding some revenue streams?

Start figuring out how much you need to start putting towards those things month by month and year by year to get to them in the next three to five years, and then to get to them in the next ten to 20 years after that for the dream level goals, and maybe it won’t take that long.

The good thing about this is as you start tracking your progress towards these different goals, you can adjust the timeline for each of them. You can see how long will it really take, and as you add more income streams or more projects or expand in different ways, the timeline on those different goals can change dramatically, depending on what it is, especially when you’re looking at things like paying off debt or saving up for a house, those sort of nearer term goals.

Changing the monthly amounts that you put towards each of those can have a really big effect, and it’s exciting to see. Some of my favorite calculators for looking at this stuff are at, and I also just created a new calculator which I call The Bottom Line Calculator, on my own website.

I’m starting a new program soon that’s going to be called Accountable, helping us all to be accountable for the things that we want to do and how to track towards those goals.

It’s All Figureoutable

If you do have a product or service based business, you can go to that URL and it allows you to fill in your different products and services and have the prices there and adjust the number of sales you need per month or per quarter or per year. It then lets you also look at how much you should be setting aside for taxes out of those, estimating how much your business expenses are. You can then look at your sustain and maintain expenses to figure out how much bottom line you need to be able to bring home in order to cover your sustain, maintain and next level and dream level goals.

Once you have real numbers for all of those levels – and that can change over time, of course, as you meet some of these goals and they get knocked off the list – then you can add other things, you can change other things, you can move where that money goes to. Say you were saving up for a down payment on a house, once you have the down payment, that’s a big goal that you’ve saved up for and you have a mortgage now, but you no longer need to be saving as much as you were probably saving to get the down payment.

Or again if you’re saving up to get out of debt, once you’ve gotten out of debt, now all that money you were putting towards debt before, all of that can go towards your next level and dream level goals.

It’s pretty exciting to see, and I’m planning on building a suite of calculators there on the ‘accountable’ area of my website to help people really look at these things.

We’re going to be adjusting it so that you can track the progress towards these goals over time and really see how the timelines change. So far we just have this one bottom line calculator, but I would love it if you would go and check it out and give me your feedback. Send me an email, let me know if it’s helping you, and I’d like to hear about what you’re working on in your life and your business. What are your goals? What are you working towards right now?

If You Want More

I’m going to keep this one short and sweet, it’s just a quick rundown of how I look at goals for the women that I work with as clients. If you’re interested in finding out more, I have a fantastic group program called the Mastering Money Matters, which is a monthly membership group.

There is a library of content that you get access to which we work through together, but it’s been really interesting watching this group evolve over the past nine months.

At first I thought it would just be about the content, but really what’s ended up happening is we’ve sort of evolved as time has gone by and people have asked for more things, and now we do a Blab every Tuesday where we talk about the businesses of the different women in the group, we usually have a couple of people in the hot seat and focus on them, and then we all share it with our networks.

On Fridays we have a private Zoom where we get together in a Zoom room and either work on financial tasks or we can brainstorm or do Q&A or sometimes people just want feedback for what they’re working on, just to find out what we think before they put it out to the public.

It’s been a really great group, I really enjoy all the women in there, so if you’re interested in finding out more about joining that, click here.

If you like this show, I would very much appreciate it if you would subscribe, rate and review the show on iTunes.

We also have a free Facebook group where we carry on discussions after the episode. I would love to hear what you think about this episode and others you’ve listened to, I really appreciate getting any feedback from listeners. Come on over and join us, thanks so much for joining me today.


Financial Fluency Episode #43: Breaking Free with Kathleen Ventura

You may have seen this Business Insider article about my guest this week. Kathleen and her husband quit their jobs, saved up, and rode across the country.

I asked Kathleen how much planning she did, how much they needed to save and how they budgeted. You might be surprised at the answer!

At the end of their trip, Kathleen knew she wanted to make this lifestyle sustainable. So she did! Listen in to find out how she did, and how it’s going now.

Kathleen shares her advice for beating overwhelm especially for those just starting out.

Listen in below

Favourite Quotes

I’m DONE! – Kathleen on deciding to leave her “job”

Let’s have a meeting at Chocolate Tree – Kathleen on the tough side of business!

It’s ok to want what you want – Kathleen

Working outside of the traditional 9-5 is the new women’s movement – Jen

There’s no glass ceiling when we’re the ones making the rules – Kathleen

It’s not a learning curve, it’s a learning cliff! – Kathleen on starting out in business.

Microphones aren’t scary for me, I just do it – Jen, on finding the right medium for you

WY headshotKathleen Ventura is a transformational life & business coach and TEDx speaker who believes living with intention breeds freedom. Making a move in 2012 that would terrify even the bravest of non-conformists, Kathleen quit her high-pressure sales job in the city, sold everything and set out to ride her bike across the United States. After 2 years of perpetual travel, she found her calling as a transformational coach for beginner women entrepreneurs.
Kathleen now coaches women on the verge of quitting their day job to step into full time entrepreneurship. In her signature mastermind, Own It, she helps new service-based business owners understand and implement what is necessary to build a foundation for a successful business.



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Coaching 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Starting a Coaching Practice

If you enjoyed this episode you can subscribe to Financial Fluency here on iTunes and listen every week. If you like what you hear, please also leave an awesome iTunes review

I do two episodes every week, one solo and one interview.

I also have the fantastic Mastering Money Matters group, a monthly membership group where you can join and we talk about all the different pieces week by week of getting our money systems set up and how we look at, think about and value money and all areas of our lives.

It’s a very supportive and private group just for women and it’s a safe place to hang out and talk. It’s kind of the extension of the interviews I’ve been doing with mainly entrepreneurs on this show, and it’s where we can talk about the things we may not want to broadcast out to a broader audience.

Let’s Keep the Conversation Going

If you’re enjoying the podcasts and something has lit a fire for you, carry on the conversation over on the Financial Fluency Facebook Group.

See you there!

Jen x

Financial Fluency Episode #42: Why Women are Behind Men in Retirement Savings

Today, I wanted to take a look at retirement savings for women. Recently, I’ve seen some articles that talk about how overall in the U.S, we aren’t saving enough for retirement and then on top of that, women are being most negatively affected. Women seem to be saving less than men and I wanted to look at some of the reasons for that.

You can listen in or read below and Tweet it out hereTweet: Can women afford to live longer than men? Via @jturrell

Here’s What I Found

I found a few studies, some longitudinal studies that followed women and men through different parts of their lives and careers. The first one I want to talk about is a study that followed Harvard MBA graduates and it was showing how the burden of student loans weighs heavier on women and why that is.

They had two students; a male and a female, graduates from Harvard MBA, they go to their first professional entry-level job and the woman doesn’t quite manage to negotiate for as high a salary as the man. There are a lot of reasons for that, women are inculturated to not really hone the same negotiation skills that men are, we’re often told to be nice, we’re told to be polite, we’re told to kiss the smelly uncle that we don’t really like when we say hello to him.

There are all these ways that women are taught to be people pleasers a bit more than men usually are. I don’t mean to make a sweeping generalisation about gender here but I think most people agree that everyone likes little girls to be “nice”.

Little girls are supposed to be cute and sweet and not aggressive and not too forward. They get called bossy and bullies, hopefully no one’s calling little girls bitchy but as you get older into the teenage years, that comes out too. Both in school and in life, people tend to encourage boys to go after what they want and be focused and driven and assertive and aggressive and women are taught to not do that quite as much.

So these could be some of the reason that the women, even these elite women from Harvard MBA, I mean if any woman in the country is going to really go in and negotiate well for her first starting salary of her first professional job, it’s probably going to be a woman who’s a Harvard MBA graduate.

So even these women aren’t managing to negotiate quite as high of a salary as the men. It’s not as drastic as in some other groups because these women are taught Business and they are going in there to get the best salary as they possibly can but still a bit lower.

Here’s Where the Real Difference Started

Where it really started to show a difference between the man’s and the woman’s ability to pay off their student loans was at the five-year point.

Five years out in their careers, things started to change a lot. Now men’s salaries were going up much higher than women’s, women were taking time off for having children, they were getting flexible work schedules, they were maybe taking different jobs that had less demanding hours and their student loan payments did not escalate the way men’s did.

A lot of the Harvard MBA men were much more aggressively paying off their loans so the length of time that the women were paying off these loans and the level they were paying them off, was much longer at a much lower payment level.

I feel like this five-year point from Graduate school, these are prime years in a man’s career. This is when he’s going for those promotions, going after new projects, doing lots of things where maybe he has to travel, he probably doesn’t have kids yet or his wife is home having the kids and he’s able to really focus on his career.

Where women at the same time, a lot of them are taking time out, they’re leaning back, you know Sheryl Sandberg wants us all to lean in in these years but you know what, not everyone can lean in and I get frustrated at this idea that it’s all on the woman:

  • To be negotiating correctly
  • To know what her salary should be
  • To own her worth
  • To be aggressive

Some of us, like myself, I had really difficult pregnancies. I had Hyperemesis, I was on bedrest for most of them, I was on medications and IVs. And some women they can have a perfectly fine pregnancy but have a very difficult and physically catastrophic birth experience.

I think sometimes, here in America, because we’ve come so far in terms of medical intervention for birth, we don’t think about how physically traumatic and dangerous it actually is. I looked up the statistic the other day from the World Health Organization and it said that everyday in the world, 861 women die from pregnancy and birth related causes.

A lot of that is definitely skewed toward the developing world where there are not a lot of prenatal services and where the medical services for birth at all are much more primitive than here in the United States. We have a much lower mortality rate for both mother and infants than in a lot of other countries but we’re not the best by any means.

Women still die every day from giving birth so the idea that it should just be this experience that everyone has and that you hop up out of bed the next day and take a week or two off and then sashay back into work with your baby at a nanny or some kind of child care facility, that’s not the reality for a lot of women.

Not All of Us Have the Same Experience

For myself again, I had really difficult pregnancy experiences and now I have two special needs children who have very different levels of need. If everything goes right and if you have a beautiful birth experience, a beautiful pregnancy, your children are fine and healthy, yeah it’s true, you may be able to hop right back into your career and it may not take that much time out for you. However, that’s not the reality for a lot of people and I think that us talking about leaning into our careers assuming that most people have these really easy, super smooth birth experiences, that’s a little bit unrealistic.

So if you do have to take time out from your career, if you do have to actually leave the job and not just use up all of your sick leave and all of your vacation days in order to have your baby and then maybe six weeks of unpaid leave on top of it. That’s a lot of time and salary lost just there, plus the contributions to your 401K, if you even have one, plus the possibility of promotions that you missed out on during that time.

For one thing, when you’re pregnant, they’re not going to put you in charge of a team that has a project that’s due right around the time you’re going to have the baby, right? They think, “Oh, she’s not going to be there” and even if you don’t get pregnant during those prime childbearing years, studies have shown that there is a cultural bias against promoting women in case they might get pregnant.

And Then The Gap Widens

So, anyways, the tendency for women to give up on their career aspirations for family growth instead of men, is something that has gone on ever since women entered the workforce. They have always been more likely to give up their career for having children than a man would.

We see now and then, more and more house husbands, especially if the wife is say, a doctor, a lawyer, a high-earning professional, a movie star, you know there are some times when the man will stay home with the children and the women will go back to work but it’s far from the norm right now.

The reason that it usually makes the most sense for the woman to stay home besides the physical birthing, nursing all of that, is that because men tend to have a higher salary than women so if one of them is going to take time off and stay home in terms of the family’s well-being, it makes sense for the highest earner to keep on earning.

If the family stays together, if there is no divorce, that makes the most sense, right? You want the highest earner to keep earning and you want the lowest earner to take the time off. However, with the number of marriages that end in divorce, this is a real problem for the wife because gone are the days of the endless alimony payments. Very few judges award alimony that goes out past a couple of years anymore even if you’ve been out of the workforce for a long time, they expect you to go get a job and support yourself.

The fact that you have given up so much of your earning potential by taking time out and not getting the ongoing promotions and salary raises and everything that you would have, had you stayed in the workforce, really isn’t accounted for in terms of maintaining your standard of living.

You may be at a certain standard of living while you’re married, you get a divorce, if you’ve been out of the workforce, I mean, some women stay out for eight or ten years while they have three or four children, that’s a significant loss of potential earnings.

As well as that you don’t re-enter the workforce at the same place you left it. Often, your industry will have kept going, kept advancing while you were out especially if you’re in some sort of Science / Technology industry. If you take five or eight years out of the Technology industry, do you think you can just jump back into a job at the same level you were at? Absolutely not.

You’re going to have to go back to entry-level positions and that’s hard for a lot of women especially if they have supported their husband through all of his career changes and aspirations and reaching big goals and getting promoted. Part of the reason he was able to do that and have children and have a family is that someone was at home taking care of them.

When women do go through divorce and now have to start supporting themselves again, often what they do, if they have some retirement savings, they may hit that up for awhile while they get themselves back on their feet. If they don’t have retirement savings, they certainly aren’t contributing to it in this period of time when they’re trying to re-establish themselves as a new single mother, in her own household.

Running two households is definitely more expensive than running one, the alimony is not going to cover it all by any means anymore. So there’s a new situation. Studies have shown that in the case of divorce here in the United States, at least, men’s standard of living goes up slightly after a divorce and women’s standard of living goes down.

I think a big part of the reason is that men have been earning more and they keep on earning more even if they pay some alimony, they still have more money to themselves afterwards especially depending on if they move into a new apartment where they used to have a big house with the family. There are all kinds of changes that can be made but overall, but the end result is that divorce puts men in a better financial position and women in a worse financial position.

Less Confidence Around Investing

I’m sure there are some more contributing factors throughout careers and lives of women as to why women ended up saving less than men.

Another one to throw out there is that women tend to be less confident about investments, about putting money into the stock market, something that they see as volatile and not that safe. After the crash of 2008, many feel that they have a lot of reason to fear. A lot of women who did have their retirement savings invested in stocks, bonds and index funds saw their savings cut in half.

If they did sell up and run then they may have carried that loss into the future. If they left it there and managed to get the benefit of the recovery, it will have recovered a good deal but it still…that was a huge hiccup in the overall growth of anybody’s retirement funds.

They say over time the stock market averages out somewhere between 6 and 12%, I think they usually put it around 8% including inflation that you should be making on your money over time but a lot of that really depends on when you pull the money out, when you retire, when you stop putting money in. So anyone who had just retired right before the crash of 2008 and no longer had earnings to continue to put in there but had to take money out in those years when the stock market was down, that was a really scary thing.

I don’t know that if they went back to work and kept working after the recovery if they would have continued putting money in. So not feeling comfortable with investing, a lot of women keep more in cash and keep more in very safe, low risk but low return types of investments; savings accounts, bonds, CDs, money market accounts.

Women who are afraid of losing money more than they want to make it, they tend to take these very safe investments that often don’t quite even return as much as inflation which means over time, they’re losing money.

The Main Culprits

We have the wage gap that starts out with your first job, usually, that widens as you have children, if you do have children and will also widen as you get promotions based on that lower starting salary than men had.

And Divorce. Women are worse off, not all women get divorced, but for those who do, that makes a significant impact on their ability to save for retirement.

I’d also like to throw special needs caregiving in there just because I have special needs children and a lot of the women I know, our parents are in their 70s and 80s now. A lot of people I know have young children at home, their children haven’t quite gone to college yet and they are starting to have to think more and more about caring for their parents as well.

And that’s another place where, although some men do care for their ageing parents, it tends more often than not to be daughters, wives and sisters who care for the ageing parent or the disabled loved ones. Again, it makes the most sense for them to leave the workforce or cut down to part-time work or take flex hours or change to a more family-friendly type of business that may be lower paying to care for the loved ones, because the fathers, sons and brothers are able to earn more in their careers. Then we also have the fear of investing.

All of this can contribute to women falling far behind men in retirement savings.

Now, What Can We do About it?


For one thing, on a micro level, we can hire women. We can hire women and we can pay them fairly. We can hire female freelancers. We can hire companies that are started by women. We can hire companies that have female CEOs. We can put our retirement investments into companies that have female CEOs and who practise gender parity in their hiring and paying practices.

There are few ways you can find out more about that. I’ll put some links in the show notes. One is Motif Investing No Glass Ceiling motif which I love. There are a number of companies now that are focusing on women.


When we think about women being afraid of investing, a lot of that is down to the financial services industry. I think for ages, women have felt not heard, not seen, not listened to by the financial services industry. A lot of the financial industry’s advertising and the way they position and present themselves is mostly appealing to men because in the past, men have had the most control of the money that goes towards retirement.

Women often have control of the household budget but because men are the earners and they would have pensions and they would have retirement plans or IRAs or whatever it is, the financial services industry overall is very skewed towards men. However, there are some great platforms and companies right now that are focusing completely on women.

A few of my favourites are DailyWorth. DailyWorth is a financial media platform but it’s so great for educating women about all kinds of things in terms of their money. I love DailyWorth and just to be totally transparent, I am part of their Connect platform and I do write for them monthly.

The founder of DailyWorth, Amanda Steinberg, is also starting a new company with a partner called WorthFM and this is going to be a low barrier to entry savings and investments platform, similar to Betterment which I’ve promoted before on this show because I love Betterment.

It’s a great way for people who have not invested before to get started. There’s also Acorns, which I’ve mentioned before and that really is the lowest barrier to entry, the way Acorns runs it but they don’t have tax advantage retirement accounts so I’m not going to lump them in here with the others because WorthFM and Betterment do have retirement account options. Another platform is Ellevest. They focus very much on women.

Raising Prices

And if you are self-employed, if you are a self-employed woman, a freelancer, a small business owner, an entrepreneur, raise your prices. Go ahead, raise your prices. See how it feels, see what it’s like, go look at your competitors. Are men doing the same jobs for more money than you are? Are you doing work that’s just as good or maybe better? If you’re not, take some time to think about the level of work that you’re doing and let’s make sure it’s better than your competitors and you can charge more, you can confidently charge more.


Another thing that we can do is that if you are working for a company, find out what your male co-workers are making. Find out and talk to people at your company, talk to other women, find out what they’re being paid, find out what some of the men are being paid and talk to the company.

If it’s hard to approach on your own saying, “I believe that I am being paid less than my male co-workers”, you can get a group of women together, talk about it, figure it out. There are a lot of companies out there who aren’t strategically and consciously paying women less, it’s just each individual hiring decision, if the negotiation doesn’t go as high, I mean, they want to save money, they cut wherever they can. If they can bully you down to a lower price, they probably will but if it gets exposed that this is a company wide problem, that the company overall is paying women less than men, that is a PR nightmare that no company wants to have.

I think a lot of companies, if it’s brought up and if it’s shown that, whether they meant to or not, they really are paying women less, a lot of them will fix it. So, I think you should tackle it, go ahead and try.

I think we also need to start publicly discussing issues like family leave, not just for women but for men as well. The more men take paternity leave, the less of a women’s issue children will be. Right now, children are a women’s issue but if men take time off too, if men bond with the children, if they trade off with the woman going back to work, if they have some sort of interesting flex schedule, women won’t be financially punished for having children anymore because it will be a family issue and not just a women’s issue.

So, that’s my episode for today. Thank you so much for joining me. I hope it was interesting to you. I hope it was helpful. If you liked it, please subscribe and join me every week.


If you enjoyed this episode you can subscribe to Financial Fluency here on iTunes and listen every week. If you like what you hear, please also leave an awesome iTunes review

I do two episodes every week, one solo and one interview.

I also have the fantastic Mastering Money Matters group, a monthly membership group where you can join and we talk about all the different pieces week by week of getting our money systems set up and how we look at, think about and value money and all areas of our lives.

It’s a very supportive and private group just for women and it’s a safe place to hang out and talk. It’s kind of the extension of the interviews I’ve been doing with mainly entrepreneurs on this show, and it’s where we can talk about the things we may not want to broadcast out to a broader audience.

Let’s Keep the Conversation Going

If you’re enjoying the podcasts and something has lit a fire for you, carry on the conversation over on the Financial Fluency Facebook Group.

See you there!

Jen x