Episode #95 – Even Skeptics Can Manifest with Denise Duffield-Thomas

Do you have the life you desire? Are you asking yourself “What do I want?” but not giving yourself permission to have it? Today on Financial Fluency, we have Denise Duffield-Thomas, the money mindset mentor for online female entrepreneurs. Denise, also known as the “Lucky B,” is the founder of luckybitch.com and author of two best-selling books Lucky Bitch and Get Rich, and Lucky Bitch. In both books, Denise gives readers and boot camp goers an insight into how and why fear and mindset plays into finances, and how to turn that around so even skeptics can manifest the life they really want.

Denise admits she was never taught how to feel good about money and manage it well. She grew up with a single mom and money was always tight. She believed she had to be deserving her entire life to be successful because of teachings through the church. But, Denise quickly realized as an adult that’s not the case. When you’re in a positive state of mind, and you take positive action, there tends to be a positive reaction, with the reverse being true as well.

For example, when Denise was around the college age, she had no money in her account, and class was due to start in three days.  She maintained a positive mindset, telling herself that things would work out, and sure enough due to a bank error to her benefit, she was able to pay for her classes.  She also manifested a trip around the world with her husband for six months with all expenses paid and blogged about it.  Denise shares how about every couple of years she goes through a transition, and she questions what she’s doing, who’s she’s serving, and if she’s on the right path.

Even though Denise’s success didn’t happen overnight, she didn’t let time stop her from reaching her potential. Sometimes paths can lead you astray, but what matters is growing from experiences, and find the hidden gifts.  

Denise shared about her past investment of $5,000 in her book “Get Hitched Lucky Bitch.” During that time, she quickly realized she didn’t have to do everything for everyone and be something she’s not, and that she should focus on finances and help exceptional women who want to create outrageous success. She achieved that with two simple steps, examining old patterns and practicing forgiveness (adopting the Hawaiian forgiveness ritual: Ho’oponopono). Self-worth and net worth are intertwined and getting stuck in the cycle of self-sabotage will prevent you from the next level of success. Denise is a firm believer that forgiveness is the gift you give yourself to let go and grow.

Denise’s Tips on Removing Money Blocks:

  • Inaction leads to more inaction. You have to try the “brain-training exercises” to help you understand yourself and deep-rooted patterns.
  • Forgive and examine those things (or people) that sabotaged you and contributed to your money blocks.
  • Money is a tool for us to live the life we want to live. Being “rich” isn’t always monetary.  It could also be richness in your outlook and thinking.
  • Build the muscle of asking what YOU want, not what other people want. Keep asking “What do I want?” and give yourself permission to have it.
  • Be honest with yourself. The energy you free up will allow you to consciously manifest amazing things in your life.

Wise Words from Denise:

“People try to take the ‘action’ part of the book first without working on the mental, emotional growth. Your fear is real. The resistance feels real. Procrastination feels real. If you just sit back, you’re internalizing all of that; and you’re not giving yourself permission to figure out the cause of your money blocks. That’s why you need to do personal growth first. People think the universe will bring anything and everything to them after personal growth, but you have to meet the universe halfway and take action.”

You can connect with Denise directly on her website luckybitch.com, or follow her on social media.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/deniseduffieldthomas

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/denisedt/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DeniseDT

Instagram: @denisedt

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Get access to Denise Duffield-Thomas’ Money Bootcamp at HERE.

Join the 5-Day Manifesting Challenge HERE.

Denise’s Books:

Get Rich, Lucky Bitch!: Release Your Money Blocks and Live a First Class Life.

Lucky Bitch: A Guide for Exceptional Women to Create Outrageous Success.

Take a free quiz to find out your money archetype personality HERE.

Episode #95 - Break Free from Money Blocks with Denise Duffield-Thomas

Denise Duffield-Thomas is the money mindset mentor for the new wave of online female entrepreneurs. Her best-selling books “Lucky Bitch” and “Get Rich, Lucky Bitch” give a fresh and funny roadmap to create an outrageously successful life and business.

Denise helps women release their fear of money, set premium prices for their services, and take back control over their finances.

Denise is an award winning speaker, author and entrepreneur who helps women transform their Economy-Class money mindset into a First-Class life. Find her at www.LuckyBitch.com.

Episode #94 – Grow Your Business Online with Terra Milo

Do you feel overwhelmed with the plethora of technology needed to support and grow your business online? Today on Financial Fluency, Terra Milo is here to explain how she helps small business owners in their first years feel confident and empowered with the tools they’re using.

On top of being a tech-savvy consultant (also known as ‘Your Computer Girl’), Terra is a certified health coach. She got into the consulting business after seeing fellow health coaches get frustrated. She’d hear them say ‘I can’t do this’ or ‘I give up’ when attempting to use and manage their online tools for marketing. That’s when the lightbulb clicked and the idea came to Terra. She could help business owners learn how to use online tools.

Terra notes that as a small business owner, you’ll find yourself working with online tools at some point or another. Even if you’re not in the tech industry, you need to know some tech to run your business online. But, what happens when those tools become laborious and you can’t seem to make it work? Instead of pulling your hair out, this is where Terra steps in. She shows you how to use the website you already have, co-create a website together, set up emails—and much, much more.  

Terra doesn’t specialize in one online platform over the other. She has a breadth of knowledge in the tech industry that allows her to go into any system and learn. Her self-proclaimed talent is learning the system and then helping others.

And her approach is simple—working one-on-one to understand the tools you’re using and what’s needed for the business. She offers many services. One package includes a personal webinar where you can see her screen while she’s signed into your systems. During this time, you’ll go through the tool together, and she’ll teach you the ins and outs of how to use it. It’s also worth noting Terra records this hour-long call so you can reference after.

Terra shares some insight to get you from feeling stuck to successful:

  1. Your business and needs are unique. A canned YouTube video won’t get you personalized results or make it easier to understand online tools since they change so frequently.
  2. You’re going to be more effective if you target a niche and specific people instead of a mass group of people.
  3. If your budget allows, run testing. Once you test and get results, you’ll know where your best audience is.
  4. Figure out the best systems and tools for you.  Just because a tool works for someone else doesn’t mean it’s best for your business. You don’t need all the bells and whistles when starting out.
  5. Keep it simple and inexpensive, so you can scale when you need to. There’s nothing wrong with using a free account in the first few years.

Wise Words from Terra

“The exchange of time for money is important to weigh and to be aware of. If it’s not worth it for you to do that, hire somebody.”

Terra’s Mission

“My mission is to empower entrepreneurs around technology. When you know how technology works for online marketing, you feel more confident and in control of your business. You also save money because you don’t have to pay someone every time you want to make a move in your business. Eventually, you’ll grow a team, but in the first few years, it’s super helpful to know how things work.”

Connect with Terra

You can learn more about Terra and how to work with here on her website: http://terramilo.com/, or follow her on social media.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachTerraMilo/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terramilo/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/terramilo

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC53x0MfyXCKS-REEou1_W0Q

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Amy Porterfield’s Podcast “Marketing Made Easy”: http://www.amyporterfield.com/amy-porterfield-podcast/

Being Boss Podcast: https://beingboss.club/

MailChimp: https://mailchimp.com/

ConvertKit: https://convertkit.com/

Mad Mimi: https://madmimi.com/

Active Campaign: http://www.activecampaign.com/

B-School: https://www.marieforleo.com/bschool/

Zero to Launch: http://growthlab.com/ztl/about-the-course/

Lastpass: https://www.lastpass.com/

Episode #94 - Grow Your Business Online with Terra Milo

Terra Milo teaches coaches and entrepreneurs all the computer skills they need to launch their business and spread their mission in the world. From websites to newsletters to social media, she will empower you with skills and confidence so you can infuse your messages with inspiration.

Terra believes that technology runs on energy, so when you’re creating websites and emails, you’re literally sending energy to your potential clients. Make sure that energy is confident, positive, and enlightening!

To read more about how to grow your business online with marketing tools—get Terra’s free guide video: http://terramilo.com/freetools.

Episode #93 Understand Business Finances with Liz Lajoie

Are you feeling out of balance with the money for your business? Today on Financial Fluency, we are chatting with the lovely Liz Lajoie. Liz is the owner of Stratera Business Solutions, a consultancy that helps coaches and creative professionals manage their finances. In this episode, Liz will give us an insider look into her new book which is being released today, that details how to manage and understand your business finances. With this, you’ll be able to free up your time so you can do more of what you love and achieve your zen.

Liz has a strong background in professional services and business management. She spent a decade as a business manager, CFO, and partner for a civil structural engineering firm. Liz was invited into the ownership and became the only woman in the ownership group. During that time, she suffered from a mystery illness that seemed to have no true diagnosis. After several years, she discovered her illness was Lyme disease. The disease put things into perspective for Liz and made her realize what kind of work made her happy—helping people sort out their small business finances while helping them achieve their goals.

Money management is a process. Liz’s book From Zero to Zen: Secret Keys to Nurturing Your Numbers and Finding Financial Flow is a financial how-to book for small businesses and entrepreneurs that will walk you through the best financial practices. Her goal is to have readers feel confident about their money and better understand all the ins and outs of being a small business owner. The book goes through how to read financial statements, setting aside money for taxes, how much money to take out of your business to pay yourself, and more. Liz drives home a key point—you can’t do things right if you don’t have a handle on it.

Some of Liz’s business tips:

  1. Separate personal and business money.
  2. Create a business checking account.
    1. Note: If you haven’t created an LLC or an incorporated company, it might be hard to open a business checking account. In that case, open up a separate checking account to manage your business finances.
  3. Use a financial accounting system to give you a full financial picture.
  4. Look at your cash flow regularly in order to keep accurate reports for your business.
  5. Scan paper receipts to one location to keep a track of everything.
  6. Assess your client onboarding process as the business owner to develop and nurture your relationship(s).

Liz Shares Words of Financial Wisdom

“Take a look your initial onboarding and/or contract flow to get cash in hand is. It can be an area that takes a lot of time, which can affect how long it takes for us to get paid. It’s a great opportunity to develop a great client relationship. Your contracts, invoices, receipts—anything written for your service can be a part of your client communication. The better you are at that, the more the client is going to love working with you. And they may be great as a referral or a continued client.”

Connect with Liz

You can connect with Liz on her website www.staterabusiness.com, or follow her on social media.

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/lizlajoie

Facebook: www.facebook.com/staterabusiness

Twitter: @staterabusiness

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Get Liz Lajoie’s book, From Zero to Zen: Secret Keys to Nurturing Your Numbers and Finding Financial Flow 

Zen Calculator: https://staterabusiness.com/zencalculator

Stratera Business Solutions: http://www.staterabusiness.com/

Quickbooks: https://quickbooks.intuit.com/

HubDoc: http://hubdoc.com/


#93 - Understand Business Finance with Liz LajoieLiz’s passion is partnering with coaches and creative professionals to help them focus on their clients and grow their businesses. She loves to support her clients as they learn the ins and outs of managing their money, and finding ways to increase profits while decreasing any stress associated with their business’s finances. She believes it can be intimidating to face your finances as an entrepreneur. When you jump over the hurdle of “I just don’t want to know” and get comfortable with your numbers, amazing things can happen and you realize how much better you feel about your money, your business, and the life you’re working hard to build.

Her new book From Zero to Zen: Secret Keys to Nurturing Your Numbers and Finding Financial Flow is available on Amazon Thursday, May 18th.

She also has a fun, free tool – The Zen Calculator – which helps identify the top money-making numbers and how to use them to grow your business. Get access to the calculator here: www.staterabusiness.com/zencalculator.